We went out to Chena Hot Springs to check out their electrical power generation project where they use low temperature (165F) geothermal energy. A nice day but since I had been there last year I didn't see anything that I hadn't seen last year. This girl wandered into the area while we were looking around. Apparently she has been around a lot. We gave her all the space she wanted as she seemed to be a bit skittish because of all the people trying to take pictures. I had a nice look at some Violet-Green Swallows by this same pool of water. In other parts of the hot spring I found Common Redpoll, White-crowned Sparrow (singing everywhere), Raven and Dark-eyed Junco. Still can't get used to seeing these birds on territories.
On the way back to Fairbanks we stopped by one of the Alyeska Pipeline crossings. I had to take the obligatory "I was there" picture. As big a controversy as this thing was back in the 1970s, it really is an amazing piece of engineering. The fact that it is still useful after all this time in such a harsh climate says something. With oil becoming a part of everyday conversations I think more people should know the history of this feat.
Tonight I am going to run the Midnight Sun 10K. It starts at 10 pm and I hope to do a better time than last year (1:05.20). I've got new shoes and I'm headed out for a cup of coffee in a bit.
Tomorrow morning we leave Fairbanks and go down to Valdez to do some work around the oil terminal and look at the site of the 1989 spill from the Exxon Valdez. We'll be staying at Prince William Community College so I will be able to keep updating the blog from there.
Hi Roger
Love reading about your trip.
Good luck with the 10K!!
in lakeville
Moose are awesome!
Here are some shots from our long weekend in the Keys:
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