Here in the land of the midnight sun, the growing season is pretty short but what they do grow sure is pretty. Lots of wildflowers in bloom right now including dwarf dogwood and Labrador tea. This iris was in the garden just outside of the Cold Climate Construction Research Center (CCCRC). The center is a demonstration site for leading technology in construction of buildings in cold climates. It's great and I am inspired to look into cork floor tiles, not only for their insulating value but also for the nice way it feels to stand on them. I'm really jealous of the rooftop garden and the solar collectors they have too.
There is a soccer tournament in Fairbanks this weekend and every 10 year old soccer player and their parents are staying in the same dorm as I am at UAF. I'm going to try to get to sleep before they all decide to hold practice in the hallway. I have to be ready to go to North Pole, Alaska in the morning and, yes, there really is such a place.
More tomorrow...
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