Monday, April 25, 2022

A Cold Day for 2 Rare Visitors


Two White-faced Ibises have arrived at a great little wetland in southern Dakota County, Minnesota this week. They have been really cooperative for the many birders that trekked down from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area to see them. Cold wind and temps in the 30s did not deter everyone from chasing these two.

Along with the ongoing ibis there were other spring migrants around the marsh complex. Swamp Sparrow, Ruddy Duck, Northern Harrier and  Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs are among the first of year birds for me today. If the winds ever change direction and bring us warm weather I expect things to progress rapidly. Not too rapidly I hope. 

Banding has yet to pick up to the point that I am getting out every day but I did band yesterday and had nice FOY birds such as Brown Thrasher, Northern Waterthrush, Orange-crowned Warbler and Lincoln's Sparrow. I can't help thinking about what I might be missing because of the weather. Anyway, get out when you can and...

Keep looking up!

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