Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bog Boreal

I had a great day at the  Sax-Zim Bog yesterday and have lots to write about in the coming days but I wanted to share this sighting with folks. We spent many hours driving the bog and were really working hard to even see the local birds. The temperature when we arrived in the morning as -12 degrees F but fortunately there wasn't much wind. Needless to say the early morning wasn't as productive as usual.

On our third trip down Admiral Rd. (a place anyone who has visited the bog will be familiar with) we saw a group of cars on the side of the road with tripods and cameras out. At first we thought this was the feeder station but it was actually north of the feeders. We pulled up and were ecstatic to see a very cooperative Boreal Owl sitting on a branch on the side of the road. It had been there at least 2 hours and wasn't going anywhere soon so I and my two birding buddies Bill and Russ all got a lifer at the same time and filled up a good portion of our cameras memory card with photos of this bird.

This wasn't the only surprise of the day but that story will have to wait until tomorrow.

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