This male Wilson's Warbler was a nice bird to handle. I don't net them every year but they are not uncommon. This fellow was so bright he almost glowed.
Another bird that is common here is the Red-eyed Vireo. They are nesters in the area but this one was a migrant that was just packed with fat. I suspect it will be gone tomorrow.
The last bird caught this weekend was this Gray Catbird that was in full molt. Pin feathers everywhere! Molting birds are sometimes a real pain to get out of the net but this one was no trouble. It does look pretty raggedy compared to the other two birds.
The species moving through the area will gradually change over the next month. By the end of September the warblers will be winding down and the sparrows will be showing up in force. I think I have banding plans every weekend until the end of October. Keep checking for new results!
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