After I posted the radar map showing what I think was an early migratory movement, I received a couple of comments that support that birds are starting to move in the south.
Mitch from near San Antonio, Texas said:
"We have had recently White-fronted Goose flocks
heading north at night. Cranes have been moving too,
but that is generally diurnally."
Catherine in Wichita, Kansas wrote:
"I just saw a Gray Catbird in Wichita, Kansas this morning. I
believe it's very early for that species to be here. Typical dates are
early May to late September, according to Thompson & Ely 'Birds in
Kansas, Vol. II.'"
I'm really starting to feel the onset of spring fever. I'm hearing reports from Wisconsin that Sandhill Cranes are showing up as are a few Killdeer here and there. The Mississippi River is opening up and Bald Eagles are beginning to head north. Horned Larks appear to be along the shoulder of many back roads around here and every morning the singing seems to get louder and louder.
On the other hand, I know that we haven't seen the last snow of the season yet and my son will still have to watch out for icy spots on the road as he bikes to school in the morning. However hope springs eternal and I know that before long I'll be sitting out in the woods, swatting mosquitoes and cursing the hot, humid summer days.
I looked on the weather map just about an hour ago it it surely did look like birds moved up out of Mexice and also up the East coast
Man, I hope we don't have a late really cold snap that kills off a lot of birds like last year.
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