We often think about the relationship of birds to forest being more in one direction than the other, if the forest disappears so will the birds associated with that forest (think Golden-winged Warbler and Wood Thrush). New looks at that relationship suggest the forests may be as dependent on the birds as vice versa. A nice synopsis is found in a recent article on-line at Live Science.
Locally, we had a nice warm-up over the weekend and lost a lot of the snowcover that we had. The bird feeders were active at my house but from reports around the state it looks like things might be starting to change as the days get longer. Up north, Great Gray Owls are not being seen as much as in the last month or so and the early movers such as Horned Larks will be starting their northward migration as the daylight length gets longer. This month alone we will gain 1 hour and 17 minutes of additional daylight. Finally, it looks like we have a Great Horned Owl sitting on a nest already. I know they have been actively calling around my house for the last 3-4 weeks.
Now, out to look for those rumored White-winged Crossbills.
1 comment:
Although we haven't had a warm spell here in Maine as of yet, the Cardinals, Chickadees and Titmice are singing now. I saw a Chickadee checking out a nest box today.
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