Another big night of migration tonight may be just the beginning. The forecast is for southerly winds and warmer temperatures all this week in Minnesota. The Nexrad radar image from 10:15 pm shows lots of dense donuts in the middle of the country. Notice the lack of color in the middle of Lake Michigan. You can see the birds using the shoreline for navigation.

The next image is of the radar at Brownsville, Texas. Note the movement inland but nothing moving over the gulf. I have not heard of any trans-gulf migration yet, but it should be soon.

There should be lots of new stuff showing up this week in big numbers. Keep yours eyes pointed up!
What site do you get those radar images from?
The ducks and eagles and loons were out in force in Hudson, WI this weekend. Right after the mini-blizzard. I'm ready for spring though.
"I have not heard of any trans-gulf migration yet, but it should be soon."
We've already had two fallouts on the AL Gulf Coast, 4/5&6 and 4/12. See Yahoo Group, ALbirds for more information. So yes, trans-gulf migration is in full swing.
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