Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Little Visitor

With the change in weather things are starting to become much more active. This morning I heard my first of the year Eastern Phoebe singing away along with a Song Sparrow and a drumming Downy Woodpecker. It took everything I had to walk through the door to work. Today would be a good day to play hookey.

A friend at work has this little guy show up in his backyard and got this nice photo to share with me. He hasn't seen him in the last couple of days but if he shows up again I may try to sneak over and get some pictures myself.

Here in Minnesota the weather is supposed to improve with a string of warm days this week. A look at radar tonight may give a clue to where the birding is going to be good tomorrow.


Bonnie said...

I think I would play hookey and get some shots of that gorgeous bird! What fun!

Kimberly said...

What a beautiful owl! Good luck trying to find him - hopefully it shows up again :)